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A Greasy Slice Of Pizza Is Still Healthier Than This Breakfast Favorite, Experts Say

A Greasy Slice Of Pizza Is Still Healthier Than This Breakfast Favorite, Experts Say


Pizza lovers all over the world are finally getting the big news they’ve been waiting for!

According to The Daily Meal, when compared to the sugary cereals stuffed in your pantry, pizza is actually a much healthier breakfast option.

Chances are if you’re eating pizza for breakfast, you’re probably hungover, but that’s not really the point here.


Despite essentially being a piece of bread smothered in cheese, health experts agree that pizza is still a healthier breakfast option than cereal—most cereals, that is.

Unlike cereal, which is mainly loaded with carbs and added sugars, pizza has protein (cheese) and vegetables (sauce and toppings), which does indeed make it a more balanced meal than its sugary counterpart.


Obviously, this isn’t to say that pizza is actually a healthy option for any meal, but the shocking news does go to show just how unhealthy the cereals in the U.S. are becoming.

As it turns out, pizza and most cereals are similar in terms of calories, but pizza actually contains more filling and nutritious ingredients out of the two options.

“You may be surprised to find out that an average slice of pizza and a bowl of cereal with whole milk contain nearly the same amount of calories,” explained Chelsey Amer, MS, RDN, CDN to The Daily Meal. “However, pizza packs a much larger protein punch, which will keep you full and boost satiety throughout the morning.”


Perhaps the greatest count against cereal is that most boxes contain so much added sugar that you’re bound to crash early on.

“Plus, a slice of pizza contains more fat and much less sugar than most cold cereals, so you will not experience a quick sugar crash,” Amer confirmed.

According to a previous article on The Daily Meal, some of your favorite childhood cereals contain so much sugar that you might even be better off eating a doughnut.


“Here it is, the most sugar-dense cereal on the market today. Introduces as Sugar Smacks in 1953, then changed to Honey Smacks, then Smacks, then back to Honey Smacks, the cereal that made Dig ‘Em famous is a whopping 55.6 percent sugar, and a 35-gram serving contains 19.4 grams of sugar, equal to nearly five packets or sugar or almost two Krispy Kreme original glazed doughnuts,” the website revealed about Honey Smacks, which has more sugar than just about any other cereal.

So, does this revelation mean it’s time to start creating our own breakfast pizzas? Not so fast!

While a cheesy slice may have more nutritional value than a bowl of sugary cereal, you’re still far better off eating something healthier to start the day, like yogurt and berries, eggs and whole wheat toast, or overnight oats.

Still, this is awesome news for those of us pizza lovers out there!

